History in the storyteller's hand was a potent force indeed, ....

Kate Morton
About This Quote

History is a storyteller's story to be told. We can never know what history really is, but we should try to learn from the stories that history has to tell us. We should pay close attention and listen carefully to what history has to say, for it is clear that history will continue to change the world long after we are gone.

Source: The Distant Hours

Some Similar Quotes
  1. Sometimes I feel like we're a knot, too tangled to be taken apart. - Kiera Cass

  2. Isn’t it queer: there are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before; like the larks in this country, that have been singing the same five notes over for thousands of years. - Willa Cather

  3. Learning the truth has become my life's love. - Dan Brown

  4. I am not a victim. No matter what I have been through, I'm still here. I have a history of victory. - Steve Maraboli

  5. It is better to fill your head with useless knowledge than no knowledge at all. - Jim Hinckley

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  2. Hope, how she had grown to hate the word. It was an insideious seed planted inside a person's soul, surviving covertly on little tending, then flowering so spectacularly that none could help but cherish it.

  3. Because desperate people cling to hope like sailors to their wreaks.

  4. Cassandra wondered at the mind's cruel ability to toss up flecks of the past. Why, as she neared her life's end, her grandmother's head should ring with the voices of people long since gone. Was it always this way? Did those with passage booked on...

  5. Those who live in memories are never really dead.

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